Friday, June 08, 2012

8th June - Ballinea Bridges to Coolnahay

Wet, windy and very stormy today. the worst weather we have had on this adventure so far.

10:15 am left Ballinea Bridges, with a bit of difficulty as the strong wind gusts pushed the boat back into the bank each time we tried to thrust out again. Of course, we did put in the wellie and got going, but we will not be travelling far today

11:00 am arrived at Coolnahay Harbour.

End of the line for us today. Claire and I are going to our homes for other commitments and hope to return to the boat to resume our adventure next Wednesday.

I look forward to returning to a better weather day and take some pics for sharing as Coolnahay Harbour here is a very pretty place. Hiking, Cycling and boating are all encouraged from here plus this is a perfect picnic spot aided with nice picnic tables, cook out grills and discrete eco-toilet facilities. The ducks love it here, probably because of visitors that come here on a sunny day day
I wonder if it was at Coolnahay where John Roche wrote "We are a week out from the busy port of Phibsboro'. How many things have happened in each hour of each day? How many fresh scenes and new faces? I do not know. There was sunshine, some showers, the deep rich gree of grass and trees, the song of the lark, the thrush's melody, the thatched houses half hidden under their sheltering trees, the exhilarating sense of freedom

Time does not exist for us since there is nothing to remind us of that inexorable tyrant. There are no newspapers, no telegrams, the strident call of the telephone bell is unknown, and the postman does not come.

Added to these, are the less spiritual but still satisfying pleasures of fresh cream, and butter from the farmhouses, new potatoes, crisp lettuces, and young onions, with a pike or perch from the canal."

2:20 pm we were away from the canal for awhile, and already looked forward to a return to the water ...

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